Give us a call 803-286-5900
720 S. Main St. | Lancaster, SC 29720

Considering Parenting
Parenting may be the right decision for you, so you owe it to yourself
and your baby to think about what it would take. We can help connect you with resources that make you feel confident and supported if you choose to parent your child.
Some questions to ask yourself if you’re considering parenting:
What is my current situation and what kind of support would it take to parent my child?
Are there programs in my area that would help support me and my child?
What are the most important things I want to provide for my child?
What do I want my life to look like in one year? In five years? In ten years?



Considering Adoption
Adoption is so different today from what it was just a few decades ago. In the past, birth moms were expected to end their relationship with their child. Today with open adoption, you can remain involved in your child’s life, if you choose to, while still pursuing your own future. You can also choose to have a closed adoption. Adoption agencies have long waiting lists of couples who are unable to have children, and who are ready to raise and love a child. It’s normal to be sad after placing a child for adoption. However, many birth mothers who have made an adoption plan say that they have peace of mind in knowing they are giving their child the best possible start in life. This thought can be a great source of strength for you. We can help you work through your feelings. Call us for help.

Considering Abortion?
It is important to remember that abortion is a medical procedure. You owe it to yourself and your unborn child to know the facts before making such a life-altering decision. What are the risks? Facing an unplanned pregnancy is hard. Fear, confusion, and anger are just some of the feelings that you may be experiencing. We are here to help you.
*We do not perform or refer for abortions.

Our FREE & Confidential Services
Free Pregnancy Testing and Counseling Services
Vitals Care Clinic
(Ultrasounds for current
clients) , blood pressure checks, weight, nutrition,
and pregnancy care education.
Education Classes
Classes are offered in both English and Spanish
Infant Massages
Nutrition for Babies and Mothers
Workforce Initiative & Referrals
Lotus Boutique & Designs offers workforce training
skills in retail merchandising, sewing, floral design,
and e-commerce. The WEC also offers Microburst Training
to equip clients with much needed soft skills for employability.