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Chantleigh, Adam Richardson and Son Ryder

Chantleigh & Ryder's Story

In April of 2013, I was fifteen years old, pregnant and unwed.  My mother was in denial about my pregnancy. She saw a sign on Main Street….Think you may be pregnant?  Are you scared?  We can help!  We went to the Women’s Enrichment Center, formally known as the Crisis Pregnancy Center, on a Friday. Julie and Sandra met us at the door. I had a pregnancy test and confirmed I was pregnant. They prayed with us asking for guidance and wisdom concerning my pregnancy.  I was afraid but the people at the WEC were non-judgmental.  They did not make me feel guilty or ashamed; all the counselors showed me genuine love and concern with each visit. The WEC gave me information about my options to make an informed, well-thought out decision about my pregnancy. I could choose parenting, adoption or abortion.  I chose LIFE…not only for my baby, but for myself to create the kind of life that could help me support a child and be the best mother I could be.

My parents had always been loving and supportive. They told me it was MY responsibility to raise and support my son. They were NOT excited about being grandparents. I did not have a job. I could not afford day care. How was I going to provide for my son? I turned 16 years old in May of 2013, and then I was able to drive to the center for my appointments. The WEC offered resources for me and my son. Through their “Earn While You Learn” program, I was able to earn items and supplies that I needed, such as; maternity clothes, baby furniture, formula, diapers, clothing and other necessities. The training and educational classes I received from the WEC made me a confident mother.

The WEC has been a blessing to me and my son. The center taught me to be the best self-sufficient parent I could be. My goal is to raise a healthy and happy son in a Christ centered home.  With the help of the WEC, I was able to graduate a year early from high school in May 2014.  I enrolled at York Tech and graduated from the surgical tech program in May 2016 and became employed as a full-time surgical tech at Springs Memorial Hospital in September 2016. I married my son's father in April 2017. I would not have been able to accomplish this without God’s help and the ministry and support of the WEC. Thank you Women’s Enrichment Center. May God continue to bless this ministry and its client’s.

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Tabitha and Bella Geiger

Tabitha & Bella's Story

     “It was late 2016 and I was still trying to figure my life out, my career path, and I was also pregnant. In the midst of being responsible for keeping my own life together, now I would be responsible for someone else. I instantly viewed this pregnancy as a gift from God, however, I still needed to

figure things out. While driving I noticed the Women’s Enrichment Center sign and something prompted me to turn in one day and take a chance. Inside I found another gift. I found people who would help me grow closer to God, answer my questions about raising a daughter on my own, and

show me resources that I wasn’t aware even existed for me. Subsequent to giving birth to my daughter, WEC Lotus Boutique & Designs, in Lancaster, offered me a job in their workforce initiative program, which assists young women in getting back into the workforce and getting job experience to build their resumes. I began working at Lotus, doing a little bit of everything. I began learning how to sew, manage inventory, and learning about the vast world of design. I made close friendships, was able to provide for my child, and I was growing into a different person. For me, at the time, Lotus sparked something in me that would prompt me to be passionate about moving forward. I began to search for my next step. Graciously, the WEC, pushed me to grow and become more than I ever planned to be. I started workinghard toward a career. I invested my time with another program that would cram 4 years of college into 4 short months. I faced many challenges during that program but remained steadfast in my 

faith. In November of 2018 I graduated from a software engineering program with my daughter by my side. Today I’m a Desktop Support Engineer at a large Tech company in Charlotte, I’m providing a fantastic life for my daughter and I’m a confident, and studious worker. I am very thankful to have had these people from WEC and Lotus Boutique in my life. Given these challenges in life you can either sink or swim. I chose to fly.”

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Chelsea Blackmon, Zach Wright & Kennedy

Chelsea & Kennedy’s Story

My name is Chelsea, I am 21 years old, and I have a one year old daughter named Kennedy. In 2017, I began online classes at the New York Institute of Art and Design to earn a degree in interior design. I started an internship at Lotus Boutique and Design (an extension of the Women’s Enrichment Center that provides a work force initiative program) under the leadership of executive director, Julie Walters. During that time, I found out that I was pregnant and started attending Earn While You Learn (EWYL) classes, at the center. This was my first pregnancy and I had no idea what to expect regarding what was happening to my body or the new life growing inside of me. The EWYL program gave me the knowledge that I needed all throughout my pregnancy and Kennedy’s first year of life. As I attended biweekly classes and watched educational videos, I gained invaluable support during a very uncertain time in my life. Kennedy was born, unexpectedly, on August 14th at 36 weeks, due to preeclampsia. She was on oxygen for the first two days of her life and was on a glucose IV for four days. This meant that she had to stay in the NICU. I also had complications, including a partially collapsed lung, high blood pressure and an infection, which led to a five day stay in the ICU. At the end of five days, together Kennedy and I were able to be released from the hospital. At home, we continued to gain strength, adjust well, and began to bond as a family. Kennedy exceeded all of our expectations and it didn’t take long to realize that she was definitely a daddy's girl!   

I began to feel more confident as a mother as I continued to attend classes at the WEC. I learned about the stages and milestones that were taking place in my baby, each day. At every appointment, I earned baby bucks which could be used to purchase items I needed for Kennedy such as; diapers, wipes, formula, and clothes. I am extremely blessed with an amazing support system. My parents, my boyfriend, our families, and the staff at the WEC were always there for me. They answered my questions and provided lots of advice for me throughout my pregnancy and Kennedy’s first year. Through the overwhelming support that I received, my confidence grew stronger. I knew that I would not only be able to care for my daughter, by providing the things she needed, but I would be able to teach her all the things I was learning, as well. During this time, I worked part-time as a coach at Tumble and Roll and at an insurance company. Currently, I have moved into a full-time role as the program director at Tumble and Roll. I am engaged to Kennedy’s father, Zach and we will be married in the fall of 2020. Since I was a little girl, it has been my dream to teach gymnastics and tumbling. I am so blessed to be able to teach and instruct while providing an inexpensive, During this time, I worked part-time as a coach at Tumble and Roll and at an insurance company. Currently, I have moved into a full-time role as the program director at Tumble and Roll. I am engaged to Kennedy’s father, Zach and we will be married in the fall of 2020. Since I was a little girl, it has been my dream to teach gymnastics and tumbling. I am so blessed to be able to teach and instruct while providing an inexpensive, positive, fun, and faith based environment for the kids in my community. Recently, the support, wisdom, and training that I have received, and continue to receive, from the Women’s Enrichment Center came full circle. Paisley (pictured right), is the daughter of Brittany Saucier, a former client of the Women’s Enrichment Center. Her little girl is now one of my students. I am so happy and passionate about teaching other children to be active, as well as helping them to gain skills they never thought they had. I will always be grateful to the Women’s Enrichment Center and Lotus Boutique and Design staff, who have provided invaluable support and encouragement to me over the last few years. I hope to be able to give back to my daughter, family, and community in the same capacity that the WEC has given to me.

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